Alcatel OT-5059I Reset FRP File Tested Android 8.1.0

Selected model: Alcatel OT-5059I
Action: Generate Reset FRP package.
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM3)
Boot mode: Brom
Phone detected...Please wait
BBCHIP: 6739 0 ca00
Using Algo 5.
Helio MT6739 phone detected, swithing to helio api
Loading Custom Preloader
[1]Storage EMMC
EMMC FW VERSION: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
EMMC CID: 15010046453632 : 000000000000000000
EMMC UA SIZE: 0x3a3e00000
FULL LENGTH: 0x3a4a00000 [14.572 GB]
Detecting high speed port, wait......
If driver not installed, install high speed port driver.
If not need high speed port, disable it.
After repeat opperation.
Detected : MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android) (COM5)
ReadbackPartitionToBuffer() failed!: STATUS_OPEN_FILE_ERR
ReadbackPartitionToBuffer() failed!: STATUS_OPEN_FILE_ERR
[3][Missing imei entry]Warning, nvram posible damaged!!.
Dumping Preloader.
ReadbackPartitionToBuffer() failed!(3).
Error while dumping Preloader.
Generating files, wait...
Saved to : C:\Users\Arif\Documents\Android_MTK\frp_reset_package\MT6739_EMMC_12_16_2018_15_27_10
Wait untill phone will start charging.
All done.

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Comment here if you experience problems with the installation. Thank You