Infinity Chinese Miracle II SCR/SPD-RDA v1.03
Infinity Chinese Miracle II SCR/SPD-RDA v1.03
Infinity Chinese Miracle II SCR/SPD-RDA v1.03: New models and feature
Supported CPU list:
Spreadtrum: SC6530, SC6531, SC6531(A/C), SC6531E, SC6533, SC6533G
RDA Mirco: RDA8851 rev A,B,C,L,CL
RDA Micro: RDA8826
RDA Mirco RDA8851 rev A,B,C,L,CL/RDA8826
Flashing protocol updated
Updated LOD tools ( flashing / customizing )
Spreadtrum SC6533/G:
Protocol updated
Support for REV2 boot ROM mode activated
FW reading revised
Updated LOD tools (flashing/customizing)
Spreadtrum SC6530/6531/A/C/E:
Revised Repair security feature
Flashing revised
-> Activated "Format FFS" during BINARY dump writing
-> Use that feature, if the device does not allow make direct format ( some C/E revision devices )
User code read revised - activated 2nd mode: from DUMP
-> Press and hold the LEFT SHIFT key, while starting ReadUsercode code operation. Select desired dump file to read the code.
Activated AUTO fixer for memory dumps
Internal loaders updated
Spreadtrum other:
Protocol updated
PAC handling revised
Improved Flashing procedure for SC7701/SC7702 devices
Improved Flashing procedure for SC6825/SC8825 devices
Known issues[*]/warnings[!]/info[I]:
1. [I] AUTO fixer for memory dumps
-> That feature will AUTOMATICALLY FIX dumps from devices with "abnormal" flash and memory layout ( issue found on the number of devices 16MB flash with 8MB layout )
-> Just select binary dump in flashing tab or any other operation, which require file select.
2.[*] In some cases Format FFS may fail on E and C Rev
-> Read Flash Dump, write it back. Dump writing, SW will ask you about FormatFFS.
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