Requirements - PC on 32 Bit os WIn 7 (optional), Samsung USB Drivers,WiFi network, and Airtel nano sim
These steps will be crucial for the operation!!!.
1. When sim card was put in the phone and wifi connection enabled and connected we can proceed to next step
2. Next step is download a terminal who connect to samsung modem just download and install (Download lRealterm)
3. fter install connect your samsung device to pc using usb connection, and open device manager under modems, right click and click properties
4. Under modem tab check com port: COM XX (in my case its COM14)
5. After check the com port number, open realterm and connect to com port and confirm port number in Port tab
(RealTerm port number must be according to the above number, change if not. now open the com port in realterm.)
6. Now go to display tab in realterm and check half duplex
7. after checking half duplex go to send tab, at this point we will do the magic and send the at commands to samsung modem.
Type “at+creg?\r\n” and click "Send ASCII" (Without Quotes) this command is for enable network registration.
after this you see Okay in command
8. when at command for network registration was successful, we need to send another command to make a phone call.
Type “atd198;\r\n” And click “Send ASCII” button. this command is for dial a phone call to the number 198 or whatever number we put on it. (Recomended is 198)
9. After command was sent, wait a few second and the phone will make a phone call, when the phone call start immediately flip right in call options
10. You will see internet tab , now tap on it and use built in browser not chrome ok its important to select Browser only
11. Now go to
12. scroll down to Apps folder, and open it
13. open frp folder and download Android_6_Google_Account_Manager.apk and download
quickshortcutmaker apknow go to bookmarks and go to download history and insall Android_6_Google_Account_Manager.apk after that install
quickshortcutmaker apk
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